Thursday, May 31, 2012

Where did all this stuff come from??!!?!?!?!?

Ok, haven't we all had that moment in our lives where we look around at all the stuff we have accumulated over (insert # of days, months, years here)?  I am currently having one of those moments!  My bestie, haven't figured out her pseudo name yet, is an organizer.  We should all have one of those in our lives.  She bites her tongue, but I know that she itches every time she goes into my basement to use our laser printer.  My basement has absorbed a lot.  I am ashamed to say that we have not gone through things that we took from my father-in-law after his death 11 (wow!) years ago, my mother going on 5 years ago, and his aunt 2 1/2 years ago.  The problem is, DH and I are both "sentimental savers".

So, it is my quest to purge my basement!  And I am doing a pretty good job so far I think, but I know that once I am done, I could probably still have another garage sale in a few months with the stuff behind/underneath the stuff I am selling now.  I like to post pictures on this blog because I think that it adds a nice bit of "interest" but, if I may be frank, I am ashamed to do it!  I am currently doing the sort between, if we have another baby, am I going to want this?  Will I be able to get the same thing from another garage sale when/if that time comes?  Is the space in my basement worth more to me than having this at the ready IF we have another one? *sigh*  If I only had all the money in the world, I would give away  almost everything and just start over again when that time comes, but sadly I do not have all the money in the world and will have a small budget to deal with at that time.  And, as my organizing bestie as said to me, I will want to buy new things too!

I keep reciting to myself, the thing does not contain the memory, your heart contains the memory.  If you haven't used it or seen it in 12 months, you do not need to have it in your life.  If you don't love it, it doesn't fit, or you don't get compliments on it, you don't need it.  Yes, I listen to all those shows I have watched.  Implementing is harder than reciting though.

I am hoping that by the end of this weekend, I will have a fatter wallet (for a much needed trip to see the fam) and a much more open feeling basement.  It will not be miraculous yet, but more organized will be an improvement.  Maybe I will post a pic of before and after once I know what the after looks like.  :o)  Ok, I just laughed at myself!

I hope you enjoy your day!

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